Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Josh Howard's Apology

Josh Howard of the Mavericks has issued an apology for a series of actions over the past six months which have not endeared him to the public - admission of marijuana use, driving 94 mph in a 55 mph zone, and disrespecting the national anthem. Unfortunately, in this era it is hard to take such mea culpas without a heavy dose of salt. One cannot help but conjure up images of Howard's agent dressing down his client for undermining his position in future contract negotiations. No doubt a crisis management team was put together to plan the rehabilitation of Howard's reputation. Yes I'm a cynic. Maybe Josh Howard is a salt-of-the-earth kind of guy who is just misunderstood. I hope so. But don't be surprised if his agent issues a press release, complete with video, demonstrating that Howard is a model citizen who always separates his recyclables from the regular trash.

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