Monday, October 20, 2008

What's Not To Like About These Phillies?

This year's addition of the Phillies will not go down in baseball history with the various Yankee dynasties or the Big Red Machine. And that's part of their appeal. With the exception of Brad Lidge and Cole Hamels, even their highest profile players - Rollins, Utley and Howard - had spotty seasons. But they were able to mix and match from enough ingredients to manufacture a successful year. Some good defense here, some good base running there, a little starting pitching here, a little power hitting there, and a heaping of solid relief pitching. Perhaps most important of all is an undeniable chemistry. Yes the Phils have stars, but they're not the overbearing hired guns like Ramirez or Clemens. They are home grown players who have checked their egos at the door and kept their eye on the prize. They're probably not as talented as Tampa Bay but that's only a minor impediment for this team. So let's enjoy the ride while we can because unfortunately good chemistry in professional sports is an increasingly ephemeral commodity.

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